موقع صور خلفيات مكتبة عربية للصور و الخلفيات للحاسوب والشاشة صور حب و المزيد

صور مضحكة و صور اقوال وحكم جديدة و صور اسلامية حصرية يتم نشرها يوميا لأجلكم


صور خلفيات

من نحن

موقع صور ومواضيع صور و خلفيات عالية الجودة يوميا مثل  و رومانسية و صور مضحكة و صور اقوال وحكم جديدة و صور اسلامية حصرية يتم نشرها يوميا لأجلكم زوارنا و متابعينا الكرام  موقع صور ومواضيع الغني بالمواضيع العلمية و التقافية و الشروحات المكتوبة بجودة عالية لاغناء المحتوى العربي و تقديم المساحدة لكل من يبحت عن مواضيع في اي مجال بجودة وموتوقية عالية وقد انشئ الموقع سنة 2011 لتلبية رغبات الزوار و تقديم لهم محتوى افضل و لازلنا مستمرين من ذالك الوقت ليومنا هذا بمحتوى حصري و جديد عالي الجودة يوميا لأحلى زوارنا و نحن الافضل دائما بوجود اشخاص مثلكم 

يتابعونا يا ارقى الناس

من نحن صور ومواضيع هو موقع كبير يضم الصور بجودة عالية و مواضيع احترافية وبدقة عالية ♥

نتدكر بدايتنا بمدونة الاسرة العربية لصيد الفوائد على منصة بلوجر تم الانتقال لمنصة ووردبريس و من بعد ذالك ها نحن دا على موقع صور ومواضيع الرائع

ان شاء الله ينال اعجابكم محتوى الموقع كما نال اعجاب الكثير من متابعينا الكرام و ايضا لا تنسو مشاركة المواضيع التي تعجبكم مع اصدقائكم عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي و كذلك اتركو تعليقاتكم تعبرو عن وجهت نضركم في مواضيع الصور التي ننشرها لكم بكل حرية و ينمكنكم طلب صور او مواضيع محددت بجودة عالية عبر مراسلتنا من صفحت تواصل معنا ستجدها في القائمة اعلى الموقع و سنقوم بتهيئة و نشر الموضوع في اقل من 24 ساعة

 في الماضي واجهنا الكثير من المشاكل في الدومينات القديمة لاكن على موقعنا الحالي ان شاء الله سيكون افضل موقع صور ومواضيع عربي يتصدر نتائج البحت الاولى في كل مواقع البحث متل جوجل و بينج و ياهو نحن نتق في انفسنا في موقعنا و سنحقق هذا بمجهودنا و عرق جبيننا بادن الله و بوجودكم انتم و دعمكم المستمر في التصفح و مشاركة مواضيعنا و اقتراحاتكم التي تساعدنا على البقاء في القمة كاحسن موقع صور و خلفيات عربي يقدم صور بجودة عالية مجانا لجميع الاجهزة الالكترونية الحذيتة

دمتم في رعاية الله و حمايته يا اغلى زوار و متابعين ♥

weight loss diet program

How well does it conform to accepted dietary guidelines?

Fat. At twenty five p.c of your day’s calories, it’s at the low finish of the government’s recommendation that between twenty and thirty five p.c return from fat. It’s conjointly terribly low in saturated fat at five p.c of daily calories; the government’s cap is ten p.c.

at intervals the advice at thirty p.c of daily calories.

Carbohydrates. At a middle-of-the-road
fifty p.c of daily calories, it’s at intervals the suitable counseled vary.

the bulk of american citizens eat an excessive amount of salt. The counseled daily most is two,300 milligrams, however if you’re fifty one or older, African-American, or have high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic nephrosis, that limit is one,500 mg. This diet clocked in at two,900 mg., slightly higher than of} the targeted top variety.

Other key nutrients. The 2010 Dietary
tips decision these “nutrients of concern” as a result of several Americans get insufficient of 1 or additional of them:

obtaining the counseled daily quantity of twenty-two to thirty four grams for adults helps you are feeling full and promotes smart digestion. At thirty one grams on a daily basis on this diet, you’ll meet or equated to your fiber goal.
Potassium. A spare quantity of this vital nutrient, in keeping with the 2010 Dietary tips, counters salt’s ability to lift pressure level, decreases bone loss, and reduces the danger of developing urinary organ stones. It’s not that simple to urge the counseled daily four,700 mg. from food. (Bananas square measure high in metal, nonetheless you’d need to eat eleven on a daily basis to urge enough.) the bulk of american citizens soak up so much insufficient . The sample menu provided regarding three,500 mg. whereas to a small degree wanting the goal, it’s possible over several Americans get.
Calcium. It’s essential not solely to make and maintain bones however to form blood vessels and muscles operate properly. several Americans don’t get enough. ladies and anyone older than fifty ought to strive particularly laborious to satisfy the government’s recommendation of one,000 to 1,300 mg. a day. You’ll be within the ballpark on this diet.
B-12. Adults ought to be after a daily two.4 micrograms of this nutrient, that is essential for correct cell metabolism. The sample menu provided over double the advice.
Vitamin D. Adults World Health Organization don’t get enough daylight have to be compelled to meet the government’s counseled fifteen micrograms on a daily basis with food or a supplement to lower the danger of bone fractures. A sample menu was simply wanting the goal, however low-fat dairy farm and fortified cereals can assist you meet the necessity.

Supplements recommended? No,
however a Biggest Loser representative says dieters World Health Organization worry regarding falling short—perhaps they don’t eat a lot of fish, or dislike dairy farm and alternative atomic number 20 sources, for instance—might think about supplementing with a multivitamin pill, calcium, vitamin D, or polyunsaturated fatty acid from animal oil.

Healthy Recipes for Passover 2013

 Healthy Recipes for Passover 2013

Passover I love my readers.  Last week, I sent out my regular newsletter full of tips for healthy eating and exercise.  The topic was "Healthy Recipes for Easter and Passover."  But one of my savvy readers pointed out that I didn't include any healthy recipes for Passover.  Duh.
So, in an effort to make amends, I reached out to my friends, Dr. Ellen Bass and Sophia Khan at StudentsGoGourmet.com to develop not only healthy recipes for Passover, but a complete menu.  Thanks so much to Paul, the reader who took the time to send a comment.  Have a peaceful holiday!

Healthy Kosher-Inspired Recipes
You'll find the complete recipes for each of these menu items in the holiday recipe section at StudentsGoGourmet.com.
  • Trout pate on Matzo. Trout is not only delicious but packed with healthy goodness. It is high in protein and low in fat.  Trout is high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids may also help prevent neurological disorders like dementia, depression, bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease. We've lightened this appetizer by using low-fat sour cream. Serve on matzos which are a wonderful fat-free alternate to crackers or as a dip with vegetables.
  • Kale chips.  Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet. It is a cruciferous vegetable, like cabbage collards, and broccoli. Cruciferous vegetables are high in Vitamins C and A which are excellent antioxidants. Kale is also high in Vitamin K, which is important for proper blood clotting. It is low in calories and high in fiber. It can be used in a variety of recipes from soups to chips.
  • Roasted salmon with pomegranate reduction. his is a light and healthy kosher meal for Passover. Skip the chicken and kugal for this hearthealthy alternative.  Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important in keeping cholesterol and blood pressure low. Pomegranates are one of the oldest known fruits, having originated in Persia. They contain compounds called punicalagins, which have been shown to benefit the heart. Punicalagins are the major component responsible for pomegranate's antioxidant and health benefits. They not only lower cholesterol but also lower blood pressure.
  • Carrots vichy (carrots long sauteed with sugar)
  • Matzo mac and cheese with Saffron.  This is a fun dish for Passover instead of the traditional kugal which can be loaded with refined sugars.  We've taken matzo and made a "mac n' cheese" for you which lightens up the meal with skim milks and cheeses. We recommend serving it with fish so you won't break any rules of meat and milk.

Acupuncture Treatment for Weight Loss

Acupuncture Treatment for Weight Loss


treatment of acupuncture When it comes to losing weight, there are many options that are advised by the doctors. However, it's always better to opt for natural ways such as a nutritious diet and regular exercise that will not only help you lose weight but also help to maintain the same for a long time. One such natural option is acupuncture. These days acupuncture treatment for weight loss is gaining more popularity due to its long term effectiveness. It is an inexpensive way to lose weight up to 5 to 10 lbs. 

If you are concerned about how acupuncture treatment for weight loss is helpful, take a look at this article that can help you. Other than weight loss it also improves the digestion process, speeds up the metabolism rate and control your appetite problem. However, following a healthy diet is also necessary to maintain its effectiveness. Such treatments help to improve the functioning of the two neuroendocrine pathways due to which the metabolism rate regulates in a smooth way. Acupuncture treatment is a great way to reduce stress and live a positive life in future.
 Now that we have talked about how acupuncture can benefit you, let us move on to the treatment of this method and its related concerns. It influences the hormone due to which obesity occurs. It is also regarded as an alternative option to increase the hormone that regulated the meal initiation which is a type of hormone that causes the fat storage. The treatment is completely safe and easy to perform. It doesn't cause any kind of health problems. Besides, it is a great way to smoothen up the stomach muscles which helps in controlling the hunger.
To start using this treatment in an effective way, the acupuncturist will deal with four points of acupuncture in stomach, hunger point, brain, endocrine point and then men point. In each treatment, needles are inserted in the routes of the selected points which reduce the heat that gets produced inside the body due to toxins and waste. As the heat decreases the nerochemicals and hormones get released.
The common signs of weight gain are hunger and appetite due to which you also face the problem of emotional stress. It is extremely important to maintain a proper calorie intake while following this treatment or else the person may feel weak. Take a look at the advantages which you can get from the acupuncture treatment:
  • Elimination of psychological symptoms like irritability
  • Balance of autonomic system
  • Increased energy
  • Control on appetite and cravings
  • Helps in detoxification process during the fat burning state
If you have following health problems you can relax by taking acupuncture treatment.
Conditions Treated By Acupuncture
  • Addictions, quit smoking
  • Sciatica
  • Low back pain
  • Infertility
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tennis elbow
  • Sinusitis
  • Migraines and tension headaches
  • Meniere's disease
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Weight loss
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Common cold
The acupuncturist will look for what purpose did you approach this treatment. It is necessary to talk with him/her and discuss the concerns which are bothering you. As said there are various issues that range from digestive problems to eating habits or may be stress to craving problem. The acupuncturists will then check your pulse rate, look for the coating of your tongue and accordingly will decide which organs work harder as compared to others.
Once a conclusion is made, the acupuncturist will then put the needles at certain points throughout the body. All these points are related to the certain organs. Suppose if you have water retention problem, then the endocrine gland gets affected. If the reason behind gaining weight is related to the hormonal imbalance, then one of the acupuncture points will be spleen as it regulates the hormonal imbalance. The treatment of acupuncture consist of electro stimulated needles which are placed at different points thoughout the body. This helps in releasing the endorphins due to which stress level decreases and all the organs get balanced in the right way.
The acupuncturist may use the following techniques during the treatment:
Moxibustion - The needles are heated with dried herb sticks that helps to activate and warm up the acupuncture points.
Herbal Medicine - Acupuncturist will use the Chinese herbs in form of pills, tea, and capsules so that you get the supplement in a better way.
Electrostimulation - This treatment offers 2-4 acupuncture needles stimulation which is used for relieving the body from muscle and other pain.
Cupping - In this treatment, glass cups are used to make the suction on the skin. It is known for providing relief from the blood problem
Laser Acupuncture -The treatment is nothing but non stimulation of needles
Now that you have understood different acupuncture treatments for weight loss, ensure that you follow any treatment in a right way. Make a careful research on the acupuncturist from whom you are planning to get the treatment done. It is necessary to make sure that you follow complete safety and hygiene when undertaking the treatment. Following a healthy diet is extremely important while following the treatment .  

Two Week Weight Loss

Two Week Weight Loss

baby diet
There can be many reasons for which people opt for quick weight loss. For some people, maintaining a good shape is necessary, especially for the ones who have a modeling career. Some people want to lose weight because they are either too obese or have the overweight problem due to which they face the joint problem or some other health issues. If you are one of them who want to get rid of the excess fats in less time, then the best way to go about is by choosing the 2 week weight loss plan.

In order to ensure that you achieve 2 week weight loss results, you must be completely dedicated to the weight reduction program that would be offered to you. Although, many fat burners have come up in the market such as diet pills and weight loss shakes, it is always better to opt for natural ways such as exercise and healthy diet. When following such healthy alternatives you can enjoy the weight reduction for a long time. However, as compared to quick fat burners you may not achieve the high amount of weight reduction, however, you may lose at least 5 -6 pounds in 2 weeks. Take a look at 2 weeks weight loss plan which you can follow.

Weight loss is all about burning those unnecessary fats and controlling the calorie intake to ensure that more fats are not stored in the body. However, it is better to look for the exact reason behind weight gain. There are many causes such as junk food, less exercises, more stress, lack of sleep and odd timing of eating that contribute in fat storage. However, the most common reason is the slow metabolism rate. The exact reason behind why the metabolism rate becomes slow has not been found yet. Hence, it is necessary to focus on increasing the speed of metabolism to help the body burn the fats in a better way. When following such weight reduction plan, it is necessary to ensure that you don't have any health problem like diabetes or cancer as you strictly have to follow the high calorie restriction.
Diet Control: In all these 14 days, the very first thing you need to do is control your calorie intake. It is extremely important to switch to healthy options of eating and eliminate the junk food and oily food from the meal plan. The diet must include the foods rich in antioxidants, fiber, less fats, low carbs and necessary vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body for regular functioning. Foods such as lots of green vegetables, fresh juices, and fruits can be the best option. However, it is extremely important to ensure that you follow the diet on a regular basis. The calorie intake during these days must be low as compared to your regular calorie intake. Suppose your daily calorie intake is 2100 then it should be reduced to 1900 per day.
Keep Body Hydrated: This is extremely important when it comes to weight reduction. When your body tends to lose weight, it means you lose water as well. Hence, it is necessary to keep supplying water to the body. Besides, water also helps in flushing out the toxins and poisonous chemicals from the body that contributes in health problems. Hence keep drinking water to stay fit and healthy
Perform Regular Workout: Exercise not only helps the body to burn unnecessary fats but also contributes in muscle strengthening. Besides, workout ensures that your body does not face joint problems and other health issues. It speeds up the metabolism rate and also helps in improving the immunity system of the body. High intense cardio, swimming, aerobics and step ups are some of the popular exercises for quick weight reduction.
Keep Yourself Motivated and Stay Positive: It is always better to keep yourself dedicated towards weight loss goal that you are planning to achieve. Try not to skip even one single day of the programs, otherwise, you may have to start all over again.
The above given solutions are completely natural. If you are looking for some more strict diet plan, then take a look at different diet methods that can help you to lose weight in a healthy way:
The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet
It is a popular diet plan which has been practiced all over the world. The diet promises to help you lose 9 pounds in 11 days. People who had opted for such diet plan have shown positive results and claim that it is quite healthy to lose weight with this method. For more information consult with your doctor about it.
A Detox Diet
It is the easiest way to get back in your original shape. With this diet plan you can lose up to 20 pounds in 2 weeks. The food that contributes in detoxification must be consumed for quick weight loss.
Follow the given 2 week weight loss plan and you will certainly notice a good change in eating habits and move on to a healthier lifestyle safely.


Weight Loss Exercises

Weight Loss Exercises

exercises to lose weightsThere are different alternatives to lose weight easily such as diet pills, surgery, diet, etc. However, losing weight naturally can help you to stay fit and healthy for a long term. Exercise is one such natural way to lose weight. Due to the hectic schedule, many people find it difficult to perform regular exercises. Without exercises, no pills or surgery can keep the effect of losing weight for the long time. There are no side effects of performing exercise. There are different weight loss exercises that you can add up in your weight reduction program. Such exercises give permanent result without any adverse effect to your health.
Benefits of Regular Exercise
  • The quality of your sleep is improved
  • The energy level increases
  • The immunity system of the body gets improved
  • You get protection from chronic diseases
  • Stamina increases
  • Relive you from body pain
  • Improves the flexibility
  • Depression problem gets eliminated
There are different weight loss exercises that improve your strength and fitness. You can perform such exercises at home or by going to some gym. Performing such exercises for 30 minutes can give you effective results.
It is one of the best exercises to lose weight. It helps to get rid of the excess fat that gets stored in the hip, thighs and, the abdominal area. It also strengthens the thigh and the calf muscles. Cycling provides complete body workout. You will notice the results only when you spend more time on the bicycle and increase your resistance level. It also targets the belly fat which is difficult to deal with.
According to a research, walking for at least 30 minutes daily provides effective ways to lose weight. It also strengthens the bones, tones up the leg muscles, maintains your weight and improves the body posture. It doesn't matter whether you are healthy, over weight or obese. Walking is for everyone who wants to stay fit. It improves the body's immunity system to fight against different health issues. It eliminates the saturated fat and burns up the extra calories in form of sweating. You should perform high intensity walk to achieve your goals of losing weight.
Advantages of Walking
  • It speeds up the metabolism rate
  • Keeps you fresh
  • Its one of the easy and natural ways to lose weight
  • You can perform it whenever you want
  • Improves the blood circulation and concentration power
Elliptical Trainer
This exercise is for the people who want to lose weight from the entire body. The elliptical trainer increases the stamina of the body and gives you positive results within a month. It effectively works on the lower and upper body. As compared to treadmill, the elliptical trainer helps you to burn more calories within the same time limit. It is easy to perform and offers you the advantages of low impact workout.
This is another intense exercise which you can add in your program of reducing weight. It focuses on burning the calories while improving the resistance of the body. However, you can perform it for a short period as the chances of muscle fatigue are more. Take few rest timings while performing this exercise. The total calories you burn with this exercise are higher as compared to any other form of exercises.
Swimming is a fun way to lose weight. You won't get tired while performing this exercise. This type of exercise is advised for the people who know swimming. Swimming at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes helps you to maintain a healthy weight. Learn different styles of swimming and enjoy this fun exercise for quick loss of weight.
Jumping Rope
You can do this exercise at home also. In case you don't have time to go to a gym, try losing weight with a jumping rope. It targets the complete body and burns more calories as compared to jogging. Performing it for 10 minutes will give you effective results. It is a popular calorie burner and the best way to stay fit.
Leg Rotation Pose
This is one poplar yoga exercise which offers effective weight loss. Performing it for 2 to 3weeks will give you quick loss of weight. It helps to make your joint muscles strong and also improves your mood and keeps you fresh for the whole day.
Advantages of Leg Rotation Pose
  • It provides quick ways to lose weight
  • It helps to strengthen the abdomen muscles
  • It targets the fat stored around thighs, abdomen, and buttocks
Water Aerobics
It is another best way of losing weight. It helps in the losing weight without getting tired and also improves the body resistance and target the fat stored in the overall body. It also helps to detoxify the body and achieve your target of shedding those extra pounds. Once you start exercising, keep monitoring your body weight.
Exercising is the best way to lose weight quickly. It gives you result only if you perform it on a regular basis. There is no point of investing huge amount of money for a gym and not going there. Along with regular exercises, make sure you maintain a healthy diet. Drink plenty of water to get effective results and avoid eating junk food. Look out for different exercises that you can enjoy. Talk to a health expert who can give you knowledge about different weight loss exercises. Consult your doctor if you have any serious health issues. 

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips

tips to lose weightDue to unhealthy lifestyle, problems like obesity and overweight have increased. To deal with them, different popular weight reduction alternatives have come up and one of them is crash diets. However, it is not allowed for the people who have medical history. Follow some effective weight loss tips to stay fit without affecting your health. 

Performing Physical Activity
According to a research, 30 minutes of exercise daily can make you shed few pounds. It also helps to speed up the metabolism rate which further leads to quick weight loss. Exercise also helps to increase the immunity system of the body to fight against severe diseases.
  Advantages of Regular Exercise
  • Increase in stamina
  • Personality improvement
  • Quick weight loss
  • increase in water intake
  • No side effects
  • Improvement in the heart rate
Exercise is a natural way to lose weight. Jogging, sit-ups, push-ups, walking, etc., promises to give quick and long term results. Other than exercise, performing yoga, playing sports, swimming, and aerobics are also advised.
Know the Right Exercise
Some people have the tendency to gain weight in the abdominal area while some gain around the stomach. There are different causes of weight gain. To burn this unnecessary fat, you need to understand what kind of exercise will suit you. If you have a belly fat then abs exercises are helpful. For fat around the hips, cycling and jogging are effective. Choose the right exercise and burn the fat where it gets stored more.
Drink Lots of Water
Water is not only helpful for weight loss, but also helps in the smooth functioning of the body. Water helps in flushing out the toxins that gets stored in the body. Such toxins causes different diseases and weight gain problem. Once the toxins are flushed out, he unnecessary fat also gets burned up. Drink at least 3 to4 liters of water every day and start your day by drinking water. Drink water before you eat any meal as it will keep you full and you will not feel hungry for long time. It is a simple trick that helps you to lose weight without putting any efforts.
Improve Your Lifestyle
Lifestyle plays an important role in staying healthy. Bring some healthy change in your lifestyle for better future. Unhealthy lifestyle includes:
  • Less sleep
  • Unhealthy eating habit
  • Excess alcohol consumption
  • Smoking regularly
  • Skipping meals
  • Improper timing of having lunch and dinner
  • Having late breakfast
  • Excess work load
You should bring a change in your unhealthy lifestyle to avoid future health issues. Change your habits that affect your health. Look out for some different ways of getting yourself engaged in some good habits.
Eat Only When You are Hungry
This is one of the important weight loss tips that you have to keep in mind. Many people have the habit of eating snacks or meal even when the body does not need it. It is not a healthy habit and can disturb the complete digestion process. Most of the time, when people are depressed or stressed out, they prefer to eat more. However, they neglect the fact that it can affect the body and cause weight gain. You should eat only when your body needs it. Eating even when you are not hungry causes weight gain.
Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy!
Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Your breakfast should be rich in fiber and other necessary nutrients. Include cereals and oats in your regular diet. Fiber will not make you feel hungry for long time and also improves the digestion process. Your lunch should be moderate and must include green leafy vegetables. Make your dinner extremely light. Eating fruits during intervals will keep you fresh and full for long time. The interval between every meal should be of at least 5 hours for better digestion. You need to control your diet. so switch to dry fruits like nuts and almonds whenever you are hungry. Avoid consuming junk food and stay healthy.
Never Skip Your Meal
Many people think that going on a crash diet or skipping meal helps to shed few pounds. However, this is not true. You must eat whenever your body needs it. According to a research, people who eat at least 4 to5 meals everyday have a good control on their weight and appetite. Ideally, the body needs 3500 calories for the whole day. You can divide these calories by adding it in small portion of meals. It is a healthy habit that helps you to lose weight without much efforts. Many doctors advise this method as a weight reduction program. Eating small meals gives your body enough time to burn up the necessary fats and convert them into energy.
Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits are rich in fiber and necessary fats while vegetables are rich in different types of vitamins and nutrients. Once you eat fruits and vegetables for a week, ou may notice a good change in your body. They are healthy and taste good. Including them in your daily diet will help you to lose weight effectively. Season fruits are delicious and give effective results. According to a research, strawberry and caned fruits are the best meals that you can enjoy. Adding them in your diet would help to make the digestion process smooth and also burn unnecessary calories.
Follow these quick weight reduction tips that can help you to lose weight for a long time. To maintain a healthy weight, you must understand the problems associated with weight gain. Know the right kind of diet that suits you and talk to your doctor if you have any health issues.